Field Development Update

The construction and installation of our 1,750m2 synthetic grass training area complete with a 35m ball wall will commence over the next few days. The development will utilise part of the existing grass training area and we expect the development will be completed...

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Páirc na nEalaí New Development Announcement

The club wish to announce that as we have now secured full planning permission we will shortly begin the construction and installation of our 1,750m2 synthetic grass training area complete with a 35m ball wall, the development will utilise part of the existing grass...

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Pairc Na hEalai Update September 2019

‘Pairc na hEalai’ report September 2019 The time is fast approaching when the locks will come off the gates and the boys and girls of the town will enjoy one of the finest sporting facilities in the South East and farther afield. The fact we are leaving the grass...

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Field Update July 1

This week, we’d also like to give a brief update on our new field development. Up to now, the pitch installations could not take place as we had to lay ducting and we were awaiting the ESB to remove existing poles on site to the periphery. Thankfully this work is now...

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Work Begins on Ballyrichard Road

New Field Development Work has begun this morning (Monday) on the site on Ballyrichard Road. The initial work will see the front of the site cleared i.e. walls and existing post & rail fence. Further updates when available.  

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Carrick Swan Juvenile Lotto Results 05th Sept.‘24

07 11 21 23 Jackpot €14,500 – No Winner   37 x Match 3’s Win €20 each: Robert Butler Cassidy Lonergan Martin Morrissey Pearse Sq. Daniel/Odhran/Darragh Jim Butler Tanners Gate Rita Tommie Jenny Ard Mhuire Amy Harris Macreary Liam + 6, Keevers Ann Casey Park View...

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