Car park works at Pairc Na nEalaí were completed last week to a very high standard. The club would like a massive thanks to Leader for assisting this project and to Caharclough Tarmacadam Ltd for their top-class work, John, Vera and their team could not do enough for us.
Of course, without all those who regularly support our weekly lotto and fundraising initiatives none of this would be possible, thanks to one and all. We have some photographs and aerial footage on our Facebook page. Check it out.
All in the club sends best wishes for a speedy recovery to Ann Waters following her recent operation. Ann is as staunch a Swan follower as you will find anywhere and is a much-valued member of the club. We wish you well Ann and look forward to seeing you out and about soon and then back on the sidelines cheering on the Birds.
As teams are now back on the pitches, we’d like to remind you that membership for 2021 is now due. You can pay your membership online, via the Carrick Swan website, or via any committee member.
Our Juvenile lotto has resumed. Last week’s Carrick Swan lotto numbers were 02 – 03 – 06 – 12. The jackpot was €3,500 and there was no winner. Seven match 3s wins €30 each. Next Week’s Jackpot is €3,750. The club would like to thank you sincerely for supporting our lotto. Your support helps our young players and also helps our field development project. You can purchase your lotto tickets online, here: