Carrick Swan Juvenile Lotto Results 11th July ‘24

03 07 13 14 Jackpot €12,500 – No Winner   Eight Match 3’s Win €30 each McDonnells Ashpark Jack Power Ashpark Sarah Power Cregg Lawns, Joe & Stephen c/o Carraig Tom Prendergast O’Mahoney Avenue Alice Power Organ Collins Park Kathleen O’Callaghan Killonerry...

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Swan Notes Monday July 8th 2024

Carrick Swan Notes Monday July 8th  Adult Hurling, Football, & Camogie Carrick Swan qualified for the South Senior Hurling Final on Saturday last with a one-point victory over Mullinahone in a tight affair in Monroe. We take on Killenaule in the final, on Sunday...

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New Public Defibrillator at Páirc na nEalaí

Carrick Swan GAA Club would like to express a massive thank you to John and Margaret Fleming for their very generous sponsorship of a new defibrillator that will be housed on the external clubhouse wall at Páirc na nEalaí.   The defibrillator will, of course, be...

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Swan vs Mull Live on Clubber

For those of you who can't make Monroe on Saturday evening, the Swan vs Mullinahone South Senior Hurling Semi-Final is LIVE on Clubber. It's included in your Clubber Annual membership or €10.99 to purchase the game on Saturday.

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Carrick Swan Juvenile Lotto Results 18th July ‘24

06 14 23 28 Jackpot €12,750 – No Winner   Six Match 3’s Win €40 each The 4 Lads c/o Katie Jackie & Davie Tobin c/o Crokes Bar Lorraine Meagher Cregg Lawns - Online Jennifer Russell Kennedy Terrace - Online Katelyn Sheppard St.Mollerans The Gaizely Family...

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